Born on April 25th, 1988 in Maribor (Slovenia)
at 7 she starts playing the violin (teacher: Andrej Božič)
2003-2007 musical high school in Maribor
2007-2013 studies Choir conducting with Johannes Prinz at the University for music and performing arts Graz and graduates with honors.
2008-2011 studies Orchestra conducting with Wolfgang Dörner at the University for music and performing arts in Graz
Masterclasses with: Ragnar Rasmussen, Lorenzo Donati, Yuval Ben Ozer, Thomas Caplin, Florian Benfer, Robert Sund
Languages: German, Englisch, Slovenian, Italian, Spanisch

2019 international competition for choral conductors Aegis Carminis, Koper Slovenia
-1. place,
-Audience prize;
-prize for the best conductor according to the choir
2003-2013 scholarship for particularly gifted students from the state of Slovenia
2015 ECA special prize and a scholarship for a “promising young conductor” (Noël- Minet Foundation) at the International Competition for young choral conductors in Torino
2016 Talent of the Month (January) for Ö1 INTERVIEW here
2011 Scholarship for particularly talented students from the City of Graz
Current employment
Assistant Professor for Choral Conducting for Johannes Prinz at the University for music and performing arts Graz, Austria
Conductor of two choirs
Fun facts
teaching at conducting and singing seminars all across Austria, Slovenia and Italy
Artistic director of Steirische Singwoche
... always in a search for more ... deeper ... better ...
... I absolutely love the sea and good food ...
... I want to change the world...
... I strive for: truth, honesty, love ...
... If I wouldn´t be a conductor I would be a dancer or a language teacher ...